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Presenting Consent Form

Presenting a consent form using the Ads Kit plugin involves offering users the opportunity to provide their consent for personalized ads and other privacy-related attributes before initializing ad networks. Here's how to approach it:

  1. Determine the Need for Consent: Decide if your game requires presenting a consent form, which is necessary if you're serving personalized/non-personalised ads or collecting user data for ad-related purposes.

  2. Obtain a Consent Form Provider:

    • Use the AdServices utility class to query the available IConsentFormProvider implementations.

      var availableProviders = AdServices.FindConsentFormProviders();
      IConsentFormProvider consentProvider = availableProviders.Length > 0 ? availableProviders[0] : null;
    • If AdMob is enabled, the plugin provides a default implementation that uses AdMob’s User Messaging Platform (UMP) framework, compliant with the IAB's Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) specification.

  3. Custom Consent Form Provider (Optional):

    • If you wish to customize the consent form, implement the IConsentFormProvider interface to create your provider and handle the display and result of user consent.
  4. Initialize Ads Manager:

    • Pass the obtained consent provider to the InitialiseAdsManager method which initializes the Ads Manager:

      public void InitialiseAdsManager(IConsentFormProvider consentProvider)
      var operation = AdsManager.Initialise(consentProvider);
      operation.OnComplete += (result) =>
      // Ad networks have been initialised, and you can start loading/showing ads

      Call this method during your game startup routine.

  5. Setup Consent Form via AdMob Dashboard (If using AdMob):

    • Follow the instructions provided in the AdMob support to set up the consent form on the AdMob dashboard.

By following these steps, developers can ensure they present a consent form to their players, allowing them to make informed decisions about their data and adhere to privacy regulations such as GDPR and COPPA.